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     The Literary Review
                                                                          Issue 8

Page 57

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The Demon of Small Things

Knee been stiff, feeling numb & kinda locking, but otherwise still walkable—doesn’t ache like it was doing before the injections.

Was thinking yesterday as to how I shd. get books back to farflung libraries
while I can, for instance Columbia uptown—worrying more about such trivia than not being able to walk.

Our biggest worries, or mine at least, are the small ‘duties’...

At one point in a dream last night was staying at some kind of mental I think institution—probably the trigger is today’s corona virus spreading like wildfire, quarantining its way—was leaving and at some halfway point found myself in a sorta nature preserve-small park where there were lions lounging about, not to worry, some attendants who were there keeping an eye of me and I guess things told me (did they represent doctors?), the lions are tame & anyway had just been fed, what, what? I wondered...Meanwhile one of these ‘domesticated’ big cats comes sauntering up behind the bench I was sitting on. I did not feel safe. Cut to a street outside where I was due at a (book doubtless) discussion group I had a lot to do with instigating and keeping going, get on a bus, which turns out to be the wrong one or going in the wrong direction, or its route had changed...

Actually I felt more anguish at the thought of standing up the group
than being devoured by lions. Go figure!

  Philip Beitchman__

-for my dear friends Mikhail Horowitz, Carol Zaloom
and in memory of Larry Berk-

Building, climbing
Reinforces, drives, shares
That knowledge gives us all power.

  Brian Liston__

© Eve Packer: IMG_5072
© Eve Packer: IMG_5072

-for my dear friend, Mikhail Horowitz-

Magnificently multi-dimensional muser muses
After school let’s out, to research Beckett among
Sentimental poets, musicians and all in between.
Times has no bounds on ideas, hopes; dreams masterly
Evading erosion in any way, surviving, passing on
Reasons; rhymes to those who wish to learn,
Spark transferring from masters to students into a flame.

  Brian Liston__